Fight Against Terrorists: ISIL and etc

ارسال شده توسط Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi در 93/7/17:: 2:46 صبح

Mahdi MovahedAbtahi

Taliban Al-nosrah, ISIL and other terrorist groups claiming are the followers of the caliph`s sunnah (instead of the Prophet Mohammad`s sunnah) haveformed in the predominantly Sunni Muslim communities. Modern ignorance (governance without the legitimacy of Islam) is dominant in these countries that suffering from ethnic and tribal fanaticism and sectarianism. In these communities, when social inequality and injustice combined with tribal prejudices, ethnic hatred arises: Born who may incline any side and become hugged in these nanny embrace. . The nanny can be greedy conservatives from within or outside the community, it does not matter whether they are Muslims or not, Sunni or not, insider or not. For them, it is important to recognize this newborn`s needs (financial, military, intellectual, and etc) and manifest ability of feeding it by themselves. We see recent trend in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the Persian Gulf countries, some African countries, and many other places.

”Strengthen patriotism and nationalism”, ”elimination of Ethnic fanaticism”, ”ignorance aversion” and ”belief to the Savior” are the most important principles of fighting against ISIL and other terrorist groups manifesting religious.

How do we battle and prevent from this ominous phenomenon?

ONE: Modern ignorance (which has strengthened via injection of fake legitimacy to the governors) must be challenged, the goal that requiresscientific movement to criticizing philosophically governance, civilization, religion and life/society.

TWO: the instances of sectarianism must be removed from laws, rules and regulations of these countries.

TREE: those ethnic and tribal prejudices that are against the spirit of Islam traditions and teachings must be tagged criminal, immoral or antisocial stigma.

FOUR: nationality -or Umma Vahidah as Islam says- must be directs people, society, nation, state, civilization, and government.

FIVE: modern savior eradicates modern ignorance. The prophet of Islam rescued mankind from primitive ignorance then, another savior -with the same legitimacy and support- will appear. We and you should welcome the last Savior.  

Published at: 8, October, 2014

By Mahdi Movahed Abtahi

بازدید امروز: 60 ، بازدید دیروز: 46 ، کل بازدیدها: 430643
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