Tawhid Paradigm

ارسال شده توسط Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi در 94/7/14:: 8:35 صبح

Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi

Tawhid means unity and unicity of God, a central belief of monotheistic religions after Abraham, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These Abraham religions are common in the following central beliefs of: the God was, is and will be present. He created the existence with special intention and created human distinct from others. He communicated human through revelation via prophets.

Islam`s God is the same god of Christianity or Judaism. Christianity also, referred to its god as the same god of Judaism. All reject other gods than the unique God. Then, the God of these religions is who bring Islam, Christianity, and Judaism after Abraham religion. I abstract a criterion for external consistency of tawhid that certifies its validity.

As these religions reject polytheism, each religion should internally reject any god. Consequently: 1) no any paganism teaching could be acceptable from each religion that is truth or be issued from the unique God. 2) If present, such teaching is not truth because has come from outside tawhid and from that religion. 3) Trinity or duality is paganism teaching not originated from tawhid but inserted in Christianity.

Many scholars emphasized that Islam has morphological distinct – in tawhid- from Christianity and Judaism. More, the Qur’anic concept of tawhid, in particular, provides a strong connection both between science and religion and between Islam and other religions. Consequently, a tawhid society distinct -in its practice and central beliefs- from other non Abraham societies.

Tawhid paradigm become revolved? Yes, it has been experienced revolution in past: when Abraham, Muses, Christian, Muhammad appointed as prophets and 11 prophet`s successors appointed as Imams. The last revolution of tawhid paradigm will happen when the last Imam (Imam Mahdi) appears while the last version of tawhid paradigm will overcome all religions in that time as the Quran foresee: ‘He it is who sent his messenger with guidance and the religion of truth, that he might cause it to prevail over all religions, though the polytheists may be avers (Tawba: 33, Fath: 28, Saff: 9)’.

بازدید امروز: 36 ، بازدید دیروز: 91 ، کل بازدیدها: 430710
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