The Ultimate Civilization Founder
ارسال شده توسط Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi در 95/2/15:: 11:53 عصر
! The Ultimate Civilization Founder
Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi
How Mohammad (peace be upon him) differed from other prophets?0
When he became delegated as a prophet, his mission was to read, to learn, to teach, to educate, and to purify mankind especially his contemporary people.0
Noah became delegated to remind people toward Allah, whom missed from their lives. His miracle overcame human`s development in that time: manufacturing ship and shipping in the biggest sea! He gathered true faithful followers and rescue them from drowning. Did not his ship become superior to technologies of that time?0
Abraham`s mission was to promote rationality and rational reasoning through refusing gods other than the unique God (polytheism vs. monotheism). His miracle decried polytheists through reliance to the unique God even while became slung in a field of fire! Did not his rationality override the man`s wisdom in that time?0
Moses`s mission was to oppose the idolatrous of that time, Pharaoh. His miracle overcame human development in that time: power against power and lightening through his hand! Did not he act beyond technologies of that time?0
Christian` mission was to follow him to learn his teaching. His miracle overcame human development in that time: Healing through Christian touch! Did not he heal beyond medicine in that time?0
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