Social Epistemology & the Quran

ارسال شده توسط Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi در 95/2/21:: 2:27 صبح
Social Epistemology from the Quran
Social Epistemology from the Quran
Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi

Based on Surah al-Najm, 36-54, I think that:

There is a formal statement not a quest.0

 More, the audits are not only Muslims but also are other theistic or monotheistic followers. They concerns mankind and include many of human rights.0

 The verse 36 and 37 present origin of many worldwide rulings since Moses and even before him, since Abraham period. The Quran deepens epistemic roots of its teachings in the history of Tawhid religions.0

These rulings are mentioned in the verses from 38 to 54. They mimic some human rights and laws.0

The verse 39 emphasizes on the governance and authority of any effort for anyone who do it. Any one owns his/her labour (ownership right). I interpret this verse as one of the explicit verse on social epistemology.0

 The verse 40 mentions that the future of each effort is predictable as outcomes, results and sequels.0

بازدید امروز: 64 ، بازدید دیروز: 46 ، کل بازدیدها: 430647
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