the great leader of Tawhid

ارسال شده توسط Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi در 95/6/26:: 9:33 صبح

After the prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him), imam Ali is the great leader of Tawhid, pioneering the unity of the unique god. Here are some reasons and documents:

1.    His parents were monotheists and had not worshiped any one other than the unique god, while three Caliphs`s parents were pagans or polytheists.

2.    He was born in the most purest house, Kaaba, the first land dried from sunk earth in water and the first land experienced worship of the unique god. Three caliphs was born in non theistic houses, moreover in pagan or polytheistic houses!

3.    Allah attended Fatima (Ali`s mother) to come in Kaaba (his dedicated home) for delivering Ali, while Allah sent out holly Marry from Jerusalem to give birth the Christian out of his chapel!

4.    His father, Abu Talib, his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and all of his ancestors worshiped the unique god, while three Caliphs`s fathers and ancestors were pagans!

5.    His growth and development was in a monotheistic house, while tree Caliphs experienced heathen and idolatry in their infancy, childish, and adolescence!

6.    As a toy, he did not played with any idols or fetish, while other Caliphs were playing with them!

7.    He became nurtured under supervision of the prophet Mohammad, while pagan or polytheist parents supervised three Caliphs!

8.    He believed Islam and became the first Muslim man just the the Muhammad became a prophet, while other Caliphs were pagans!

9.    He declared his readiness to assist and to participate the prophet Mohammad in his prophecy, while other three Caliphs or their fathers were not accept. The day Ali undertook to promise Mohammad in his prophecy is known as the Day of House: the prophet invited 40 persons and ask them for helping him in prophecy but no any one complied him except Ali!

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