Monotheism is the Philosophy of Semiotics
ارسال شده توسط Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi در 90/8/14:: 11:43 عصرMahdi Movahed-Abtahi
Oh my God, from differentiating effects and from transforming conditions, I knew that your intention of making me an existence is to introduce yourself for me in everything. Therefore, I do not forget you in anything. A translation from one part of Imam Husain’s pray in the day Arafa
إِلهی عَلِمتُ بِإِختِلافِ الآثارِ وَ تَنََقُلاتِ الأطوارِ أنَّ مُرادَکَ مِنِّی أنَّ تَتَعَرَّفَ إِلَیَّ فِی کُلِّ شَیءٍ حتّی لاَ أجهلَکَ فِی شَیءٍ
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