Similarity of Imam Mahdi and the Prophet Moses

ارسال شده توسط Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi در 90/9/19:: 11:40 عصر

Similarity of Imam Mahdi and the Prophet Moses

Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi

The Prophet Moses and Imam Mahdi experienced two occult periods

Moses exited from Egypt and lived with Jetro (his father-in-law) for 28 years (the first occult) before his prophetic mission. In the second occult, he -as the prophet of Jews- exited from Palestin and went to the Mount Sinai to pray and visit the God. This occult period lasted 40 days. The first occult was longer than the second occult

Imam Mahdi also has experienced two occults: The first occult last 87 years and Shia believers could he frequently communicate with him through four deputies and through correspondence. The second occult started more than 11 centuries ago and will last how much the God want. In the second occult, many specialized waiting Shia believers have rarely visited him

Read more information about this similarity in

Mousavi MohammadTaqi. Mikyal al-Mak?rim. Vol. 1, pages; 225-226

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