Islamic Awaking and 99% Revolutions Part Two

ارسال شده توسط Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi در 90/10/24:: 10:22 عصر

Islamic Awaking and 99% Revolutions: A sign of a new Governance for the Future of the World

Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi

Part 2

Now, I analyze the Western uprisings

·         At a glance, the Western and Islamic uprisings are happening in democratic nations vs. dictator leaders or lifetime presidents, respectively

·         People in the Western countries oppose their governments which previeously authorized them. Now they are rejecting their eligibility. They are baring lawfulness and legitimacy from their governments because the power of government has concentrated in many groups (1%) and not distributed among people (99%)

·         The lawfulness and legitimacy of both Islamic and Western countries have come from human authorities not from divine authority. This is the similarity of both fields and we need analysis them beyond human world to foresee the future of the world

·         From divine origin, the government is lawful that acts over human authorities. More, divine authority is unique while human authorities are numerous

·         Non-divine governments are disappearing and instead, a divine government will appear. I propose that a divine will is presenting over human wills in the level of governance. I foresee this divine will in the level of people, too

·         Contextually, Islamic uprisings differ from Western uprisings in one view: Islam differs from Christianity, but they are similar; both are two divine religions and both anticipate a savior who will rescue the world. I conclude that the future of the world relates to this Savior

……To be continued

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