The Future of World Civilization

ارسال شده توسط Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi در 91/2/26:: 5:47 عصر

The Future of World Civilization

Mahdi Movahed-Abtahi

Here is a tradition (Hadith) narrated by Shi`a Imam about the future of the world named as "The Promise"s Government" of the world

I would like analysis it as a sign of the future civilization. The tradition says: "….When he governs, he will pick up all down-spouts in cities….."

One: Down-spout guides rain from the ceilings houses, buildings, apartments and so one. It avoids these places to be damaged by rain via guiding rain outward not inward them. When it is raining, flowing water of lanes, avenues, and streets seeks a lower level of the earth -such as sewer or surplus- ending to wells, rivers, seas, and valleys. Of course, we should avoid flood-water or torrent, too 

Two: What a down-spout does is "out-warding a natural phenomena or its side effects form mankind life". This function cause outcomes of rain increasing the risk of walking and cycling in these places  

Three: A) The God cause to rain on the ground not. B) The owner of houses, apartments and so one have increased the flowing water on cities increasing accident risk for others 

Four: Down-spout makes rain`s outcomes more risky for others while other has not participated in the building, and houses. Down-spout protects the owner from harms but increases the risk for other people in that city. 

Five: They should pay cost increased risk of what they have not induced by themselves 

Six: Here, popular benefits encounter individual benefits. Then, the individual freedom will be limited to free popular benefits. This is one of the worldwide laws of the future civilization that the promised will govern the world while Jesus Christ will accompany him.

Do you wish to visit that time? Are you awaiting such government? What are you think that we must do?



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